Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Exploding sheep??!!??

Just before I leave my stories of France, I thought you might like this photo.

Last Saturday we visited Vimy, north of Arras, where the Canadian and German trenches have been preserved for visitors. Some have even been refurbished to their original form with sandbags and duckboards. You can walk through them, pop your head above the lip of a trench and eyeball your friend over in the enemy’s trenches. Again, as at Newfoundland Park near Beaumont Hamel, the two Front Lines were frighteningly close.

The area is vast, though, and unexploded munitions are still surfacing. (In fact, farmers all over the Somme area so regularly find these when they are ploughing that there are collection points beside some roads so that they can be taken away and dealt with safely.)

So at Vimy, much of the trench area is roped off from the public and large red signs warn of danger lest someone ventures through and is injured by unexploded munitions.

So who can explain the sheep grazing there?????

Does one of these woolly weapon-detectors periodically explode like something out of “Monty Python”?


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